
We spent hundreds of hours researching the impact of wind turbines and solar installations on our community.  Here you will find links to many of those sources.


Here you will find independent websites that have valuable information on the impact of wind turbines.

WindAction Group is dedicated to providing information on industrial wind energy, enabling communities and government officials to make informed decisions.

National Wind Watch

National Wind Watch is a coalition of groups and individuals working to save rural and wild places from heedless industrial wind energy development.

Community Groups

We found many other communities opposed to wind turbines for the same reasons we are.  Their websites are great sources of information.

Montague County Against Wind

The Montague Countians Against Wind Farms community is dedicated to keeping Montague County wind farm free. If you believe that wind farms are a good idea, or if you simply do not know much about them, we challenge you to read these web pages with an open mind.

Devil's River Conservancy

Devil's River Conservancy is a Val Verde county group dedicated to protecting the natural and scenic treasures of their county.  Their “Don't Blow It” campaign is focused on stopping wind development in their county.

Clay County Against Wind Farms

Clay County Texas is fighting wind in their community.  This website details their fight and progress.

Indiana Wind Watch

Wind turbine opposition is a national, even global, effort that is gaining momentum. This website is an Indiana-focused group that is fighting wind turbines across its state.

Save our Scenic Hill Country Environment

“Save our Scenic Hill Country Environment” is a website dedicated to the fight against wind in Gillespie County, Texas.

Brown County Citizens for Responsible Wind Energy

This is a Wisconsin county fighting wind turbines in their community.   This group and its members have been outspoken on their experience with wind farms in their state.

Articles and News

Much written about wind energy's negative effects on our communities. Here we are providing links to some of this information.

Wind and Solar Makes Electricity More Expensive for Consumers

This article in Forbes summarizes an April 2019 study by economists at the University of Chicago.  This study is the most comprehensive ever undertaken and conclusively found that wind and solar have cost electricity consumers over $125B since 1990.

The Impact of Wind Turbines on Market Value of Texas Rural Land

This study was conducted by Certified Appraiser Derry T. Gardner for the South Texas Plains Agriculture Wind and Wildlife Conference.   This is startling look at how land is devalued not only where a turbine is located but also for some distance from turbines.

It Costs $532,000 to Decommission A Single Wind Turbine

So what does it cost to deconstruct a wind turbine?  This is a question and a concern for landowners who could be on the hook for some or all of the cost of tearing down non-functioning turbines.

Unfurling The Waste Problem Caused By Wind Energy

NPR dives into the issue of what to do with the waste that is not renewable from wind turbines.

Madison County Considers Moratorium On New Wind Turbines In Response to Health Concerns

Health concerns have long been a topic of controversy in areas with wind turbines.  One county in Wisconsin is considering this impact on their residents.

Money for Nothing - Chapter 313 Abatements 

This article written by Stanely Greer for the Texas Public Policy Foundation details the negative impacts of tax abatements and how wind energy has taken advantage of taxpayers.

The dirty side of renewable energy

Where and how the materials used in the construction of renewables are sources is a major concern for human rights activists and environmentalists alike.

Do Wind Farms Lower Property Values? 

This article written, by Jude Clemente and published in Forbes, explores the negative impact on land valuation from wind farms.

Unreliable Nature Of Solar And Wind Makes Electricity More Expensive, New Study Finds

Forbes looks into the impact of the variability of energy produced by renewable sources on the overall electrical grid and market

Videos and Other Media

Some of the most powerful accounts of the impact of wind energy on people and our communities come from the people who live with them.

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